Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Posting again

Back to here again.
God, it feels so good to see blogspot running in my web browser and redirecting me to my blog.

Well, I got something to report here.
Good News: My paper for OZCHI will be indexed by ACM.
Bad news:
1. I can't find anyone to sponsor my trip to Australia to present my paper there.
2. This paper would do any good to my graduation from school, I have to write another paper for the proceedings of a conference or even a journal in a very short period of time say 1 month, in a field that I just started surveying like a month ago.
3. Still no threads on the job hunting biz. But anyway I would still want to stick to what I have always been thinking of and try to find out what I can be really into and passionate about.
4. Youtube is still blocked here in China.
5. Blogspot is still blocked, so I can't even preview my own blog when I'm writing it. Censorship is the biggest evil!
6. Even is down

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Graduation Pics

Out of no where, I was asked to line up and shoot the graduation picture. Frankly, I do not even know the name of the guy standing beside me. It's just so fast, everything related to school will be over.
Attending campus talk, sending out resumes, spending hours browsing the BBS hoping to find a job lead, going to math class, reading tons of papers, going to dinner parties with friends, this is called busy.